While listening to the radio the other day a song came on that really got my attention. This man was singing about the fact that when he was growing up his father would dress him up in his shirt and tie, and take him to church....but now that he's older "I get to." When he was young his dad made him mow the yard and wash the car on Saturdays...Dad had a heart attact last fall...and now "I get to." Three little words that could make a huge difference in our lives if we would let them. No more feeling sorry for ourselves for the things that we "have" to do, no more resenting the family and friends that have need our time...
I have been so blessed in my life and so resentful sometimes, but today I would just like to try to list the things that I "get to....."
get out of my nice warm bed in the mornings(I have a bed, some people have cardboard boxes)...
fix a cup of tea...
choose what I want for breakfast(some don't get breakfast)...
wash the dishes in my sink(MY sink...)
wash the laundry and hang it out because my dryer is broke( I have a closet full of clothes)...
read my Bible....
pay bills (God has provided me with so many luxuries-electricity, gas, water, tv, computer)...
worry about my 2 boys in the military(they are fighting for our freedom)...
talk to my boys that are in the military(in other wars you could go months without hearing from your soldiers.....
talk to my wonderful daughter (God was gracious enough to let her stay close to me)...
over the weekend I kept my grandkids( thank you God for letting dd share them sometimes)...
run the sweeper over the carpet (I'm sure cardboard boxes don't have carpet)...
clean the toilet (I remember going to outhouses when I was much younger)....
cook dinner (I have a choice of what to eat...some people would be grateful for anything)...
and one of the most of the important is-----
on Sunday mornings I GET to attend church (Praise God from whom all blessings flow)...
So, tonight maybe your're sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself, maybe you feel resentful of the things that you HAVE to do...why not try to be grateful for the things that you "get to"...
The Bible in 90 days - Day 2
14 years ago